Talking Angela

Talking Angela

Chat with a flirty virtual cat

Talking Angela is a fun, interactive virtual pet.

Talking Angela is an incredibly popular virtual pet game from Outfit7. It features a delightful, animated cat called Angela who is full of personality and charm. Players can interact with Angela by talking to her, playing mini-games with her, and customizing her look.

The game is easy to pick up and play, and the controls are intuitive and responsive. Players can talk to Angela using their device’s microphone, and Angela will respond to the player's voice. She also responds to touch, allowing the player to pet her, feed her, or play with her. There are several mini-games to play with Angela, such as puzzles, memory games, and dress-up. The mini-games range from easy to challenging, so they are suitable for all ages.

Angela's looks can also be customized with a variety of different outfits and accessories. The clothes, hairstyles, and accessories can all be changed to create a unique look. Players can even choose different backgrounds for Angela to appear in.

The game also has a social component, allowing players to take screenshots of Angela and share them with friends. They can also chat with each other in the game or send messages.

Overall, Talking Angela is a great game for anyone looking for a fun virtual pet. It has great graphics, an engaging story, and plenty of activities to keep players entertained. It’s a great way to pass the time, and it’s suitable for all ages.









Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela
Talking Angela